Thursday 4 June 2015

Birth control pill – why not?

From its earliest days, the development, research, and promotion of the pill were built on lies - lies which continue today. Women are irreparably harmed by those lies. Children are killed by those lies. Researchers ignored the truth about side effects and didn’t investigate the cause of women’s deaths. Most women who have taken birth control pills have never been fully informed of the mechanism through which they act.

How the pill works and… fails. Mechanism of action and its real meaning.

There are four ways the pill acts to stop sperm reaching an egg (ovum). First, the hormones in the pill try to stop an ovum being released from your ovary each month. This is known as the suppression of ovulation:

1. Inhibition of ovulation by suppression of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). However, research done in 1984 has shown that neither the progesterone-only pill  nor the combined progesterone-oestrogen formulations always stop ovulation. The breakthrough ovulation rates may range 1.7%-28.6% for the standard oral contraceptive pill, and 33-65% for the progestin-only contraceptives.

2. Alternation of the cervical mucus to inhibit sperm transport.

3. Interference with ovum transport through Fallopian tubes.

4. Inhibition of ovulation by suppression of normal endometrial development. Under the influence of the chemicals in the pill, the lining of the womb doesn’t grow to the proper thickness. Woman will notice that her periods are lighter when she is on the pill. This is because the lining of the womb has not developed properly. But this change also means that the womb is not in the right stage of development to allow a fertilized egg to attach properly (this attachment process is known as implantation).

It is very important for you to understand that none of these ways the pill works is completely reliable. Ovulation is not always stopped,  cervical mucus does not always stop the movement of sperm  the damage to the lining of the womb sometimes allows for implantation to occur,  and Fallopian tube activity does not always stop sperm and ovum from joining to create a new human person. This process is called conception or fertilization. 6-9 days after conception, the new created human embryo normally nestles itself in the properly developed lining of the womb. As we said, birth control pill causes harmful changes in the endometrium so that the week-old embryo cannot attach to the womb and eventually dies from a lack of nutrition normally supplied to it from the lining of the womb…
This is what we call an ‘abortifacient’.  This is the precise biological description for any drug or device that acts to end a pregnancy once it has begun at conception.

Apart from acting as an abortifacient, the list of other well known side effects of the pill is very long…

In 2005, the World Health Organization listed the pill (estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives) as a Group 1 cancer-causing agent that raises risk for breast, liver, and cervical cancers.

- Head/Brain - Cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the cranial cavity), Cerebral thrombosis (blood clot that drains blood from the brain), Melasma (skin discoloration; usually dark, irregular patches), Migraine, Headache, Dizziness, Loss of scalp hair, Acne.
- Eyes - Retinal thrombosis (blockage of the central retinal vein that carries blood away from the eye),
Change in corneal curvature (steepening of the cornea), Intolerance to contact lenses, Cataracts.
- Heart/Blood - Thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis with or without embolism (blood clots in the veins), Hypertension (high blood pressure), Mesenteric thrombosis (blood clot in the major veins that drain blood from the intestine), Hemorrhagic eruption (bleeding eruption), Arterial thromboembolism (blood clots in the heart), Pulmonary embolism (arterial blockage, usually from a blood clot, that cuts off one lung's blood supply), Myocardial infarction (heart attack), Budd-Chiari Syndrome (closing of the veins that carry deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the heart), Hemolytic uremic syndrome (kidney failure and low platelet count in the blood).
- Mental – Mental depression, Nervousness.
- Whole Body - Changes in libido (usually decreased libido), Edema (increased fluid and subsequent pressure within an organ), Change in weight (increase or decrease), Rash (allergic reaction), Pre-menstrual syndrome, Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in places where hair normally is minimal or absent), Erythema multiforme (allergic reaction), Erythema nodosum (skin inflammation), Porphyria (disease that can manifest itself as anything from acute mania, including hallucinations, to constipation and skin rashes), Bone loss, Cancer (breast, uterine and vaginal).
- Stomach/Intestines - Gallbladder disease (bile duct stones), Hepatic adenomas or benign liver tumors, Nausea, Vomiting, Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as abdominal cramps and bloating), Cholestatic jaundice (jaundice caused by thickened bile), Reduced tolerance to carbohydrates, Changes in appetite, Impaired renal function (impaired kidney function), Colitis (digestive disease characterized by inflammation of the colon), Hemolytic uremic syndrome (kidney failure and low platelet count in the blood).
- Pregnancy - Typical use of combined oral contraceptive pills prevents a diagnosed pregnancy in only 90 to 96 percent of women, which means that four to 10 women out of every 100 using the pill for one year will have a diagnosed pregnancy. The pill's fourth mechanism is to change the lining of the endometrium (the lining of the womb), which creates a hostile environment for a newly created human being. The tiny baby cannot implant and is spontaneously aborted by the body. Ectopic pregnancy.
- Impact on Reproductive Organs - Change in menstrual flow, Breakthrough bleeding, Spotting, Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods), Temporary infertility after discontinuation of treatment, Breast changes: tenderness, enlargement, secretion; Change in cervical erosion and secretion, Decrease in lactation when given immediately postpartum, Vaginal candidiasis (yeast infection), Cystitis-like syndrome (frequent urination, sometimes with a painful bladder), Vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal area, often associated with irritation, itching or infection), Increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, Cancer (breast, uterine and vaginal), Endometriosis.
- Relationship - Depression, Changes in libido (usually decreased libido). Ways in which the pill destroys relationships: It easily opens the door for marital infidelity; It especially opens the door for temptation to youth; “A man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and... reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.”
- Spiritual  - A couple taking the pill: "Hence to use this divine gift [the sexual act] while depriving it [taking contraception], even if only partially, of its meaning and purpose, is equally repugnant to the nature of man and of woman, and is consequently in opposition to the plan of God and His holy will."

Enough… But there are some good news.

Currently over 60% of women stop using birth control pills mostly because of unwanted side effects or  for moral reasons. Many of them wish to know more about how their menstrual cycle really works and are looking for something to manage their fertility that is entirely natural and obviously have no medical side effects. We are all tired of having birth control pill prescribed for nearly every woman’s health problem, from acne to endometriosis… Creighton Model FertilityCare System can be used successfully by women coming off birth control pills. It is a valuable tool to monitor fertility in situation when woman’s body gets back to normal cycles, and also afterwards – for the entire procreative life.
